I believe when you decided that you wanted to start writing your thoughts and ideas online at that very point a seed of discovery and curiosity was planted. Something in you wanted to be known, discovered, heard understood, successful the list could go on. So you continued and till this day you write, take pictures, edit, comment even when you could care less about what was in front of you.
You produce from your mind to your blog. 

Question is do you sometimes feel like whats the point, why am I doing this ??

Well you should, its part of the world of blogging. however a great quote I heard said to me insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. In the simplest form the best advice I could give you is to continue learning. Never be less than you are and challenge your self to improve.I have been blogging for 3 years as a hobby and yes at time I feel like why do I post, what exactly is the point and do people actually care.

It doesn't matter what they've done, what matters is what you do

Well I blog because its my outlet, I get to write for free and find people who do the same. Yes I would love to be more known but its not my only aim. My aim is to help people, escape the real world sometimes and just get all my thoughts out whether its about beauty, lifestyle or motivating. See you tomorrow for my next post off to read your blog. x

Answer Honestly

Why did you start blogging and what do you want to achieve this year ??


  1. I started blogging just out of curiosity. Addictive though isn't it!

  2. This is an awesome post. I started blogging nearly 3 ago now and I am still loving it. You get your up and down days but when people ask me why I do it I quite often reply by saying because I feel passionate about it and that is something no one can ever take away from you - the passion you feel for something you really enjoy doing, whether other people care or not! If its that important to you and it makes you feel happy and good then it doesn't matter what others think. Blog because you love it, not because everyone else is doing it! :-) – A blog for the modern man

    1. I love your response and you are right I don't think a lot of people really understand why i blog but other bloggers like yourself. You are 100% right and am going to keep reading this when am down :)

  3. I started blogging to document my pregnancy and since then it has turned into a mixture of life, fashion and being a mum. I get days where I can not for the life of me figure out what to write about but I embrace them, I call them my brain off days! haha

    Georgie xx
    Life in Loafers

    1. Lol I get those too and am glad you embrace it :)

  4. such a fab post, I feel like giving up some time shut I see where I started and just keep going xx

    1. Thank you and you're right you should never give up :)

  5. I started blogging to write down my feelings and let off some steam from everyday life but now I blog because I love beauty and want to share my passion. I always lack motivation these days though.

    1. Me 2 this year I want to get off the comp and starting doing real stuff to get my motivation back up. Thanks for commenting luv x

  6. Great post! I started blogging because my friend started a blog and it looked cool. I've had previous blogs before but never one as 'serious' as this!

    Corinne x

    1. Thanks for commenting, will check out your blog :)

  7. That's some great advice! I started blogging because I like keeping journals and I thought that a blog would be similar. I have found since starting my blog that it is so much more fun than keeping a journal because when you blog there is a whole community who blogs too, and they are so lovely!
    xx - Georgia

    1. Same here I love keeping journals and that's actually why I started blogging I believe I prefer this style blogging than the one I currently do. Thanks for commenting xx

  8. Great post and its something i can definitely relate to.

    1. Thank you and am glad you find it relatable :)

  9. Blogging was slightly out of pure curiosity and a lot more to do with idleness. I moved to a new country so needed to learn the language before I can work and this keeps me really bored as my classes don't begin until much later. So I figured I needed a way to keep my Facebook page alive and blogging seemed like it. Its been fun and talking about random things just makes it the more interesting. Now I'm totally addicted and try to add a post as often as possible. So this post you wrote just helps a ton!! Thank you!!!

  10. I started blogging as I needed something to focus on. I wanted a new little project and a blog seemed like a perfect idea. I now love my blog so much and i'm so happy that I started it!


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