Life Talks - Health

Whats the one thing I've said for years and still hasn't achieved.
 I honestly believe to look good you must feel good and because of how I am now am giving my self a month to prepare and another to start the change. The pictures illustrates some things I will be doing and I can wait to start juicing and detoxing.
I am an extreme visual learner so I work better with pictures, movements, sound and images and all that jazz.  My Instagram will be my home for tips and exercises.

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Does anything stop you from accomplishing a life goal ?


  1. I find it's time that stops me accomplishing so many things.


    1. I agree and I made it my mission this year to fit in things that were important to me. I hope this becomes easier for you and thanks for commenting. x

  2. Replies
    1. We all are, we just need a push in the right direction. xx

  3. I feel the same as you did, I've said it for years but I still haven't achieved my goal, but I need to now. you sound really motivated, i think it's gonna take me some time to establish a routine, but i know it's do-able.
    Juicing and detoxing is hard for me though 'cause I have so much temptation around me.
    I'll check out your insta'.. you better keep updating tho lol :)


    1. I believe the more it becomes a way of life it becomes easier, especially when its a source of joy. I have been slacking in my posting heathy stuff department but I plan on improving that. Thank you so much for commenting F.H it means a lot xx


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