Lessons of a journey


A journey can teach you that second chances are given.

A journey can teach you that, every step literally gets you closer to your destination, regardless of how far you are .

When you're on a journey somewhere and you make a wrong turn what is your next move? You either ask look or take charge and find your way. A journey teaches you that even when you make a wrong turn, its important to reassure yourself and still continue to where you want to end up. 

A journey can be used to free your mind, I ended up realising that as much as I am a quiet introvert. I enjoyed going on quiet, long train journeys to free my mind and allow me to process everything and understand myself better. 

Lastly my most recent journey taught me that it's not that deep, life is only as serious as you make it. People who are a lot busier than me still get much more done. x 


  1. Hahah...errrm yes, they do get a lot done and that's the truth, you make time for something...the question is how important is that particular thing to you?

    1. Exactly, if anything is important to me right now it would getting closer to God. Which I believe am slowly getting there. x

  2. "life is only as serious as you make it! I like that, I'll have to remember that one...thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yup in everything thats happening around me presently, I am being level headed and rationale. Thanks for commenting. x

  3. I agree with J. Sometimes I have to revalute and delete things from list, because I see how unwilling I am to do them...obviously showing me that they're are not that important!

    1. That list is something I need to be dedicated to on a day to day basis and to re-evaluate things as often as possible. thanks for commenting clara x

  4. So true
    Life is as serious as you make it

    BLEURGH - http://www.bleurghnow.com

    1. Exactly, things have as much power over you as you give them. x

  5. I like your method and I wish I could do it like that! .. I don't think that would work on me though. On long journeys I tend to try and entertain myself, whether it be by watching a video, or reading a newspaper, or thinking of funny things in my head to make me laugh out quietly ('cause I'm on the train lol). My deep thinking place would be in a bubble bath. Thats my long train journey :)

    1. Lol then your bubble bath could be your journey, thanks for stopping by. x


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