Don't organise your problems (Minimalist approach)

Learn to not organise your problems but get rid of them.

We all have problems and we find it easier to be judges to others and excellent lawyers for ourselves. I am tired of organising my issue physically and mentally.   I believe so strongly in not taking your problems to bed with you, nor being blessed with another year and the same thing is still topic of conversation. Am not saying be cold hearted or go cold turkey for that matter but stop organising your problem. 
Don't stack it up, put labels on it, duplicate it or even let it lie around. Malaysia from basketball wives once said, why am you giving drama space in head when its not paying rent. basically meaning why do feel that it is okay to let visible people stay in your environment, especially ones that could actually improve your life or well being if removed. 

Act like your problems resemble a glass every time that you are walking it represents you holding the problem and trying to keep it from shattering. Every time it drops you undoubtedly get hurt, what If your problems left scars. You are precious, people say that if we faced the truth head on in many area of our life, trust me a lot would get changed.
I pray for a miracle for myself, that I may have the strength to not deal with the bullshit but to be delivered to somewhere where my strength will move mountains and manifest in positivity and growth.  I actually got inspired by the post, looking for a inspiration for something online.  Remember by you organising irrelevant problems you are giving it room to stay.  Comment below on if you understood this? 

Merry Xmas and Happy New year.


  1. Hey you!!! I think I get you...correct me if wrong of course
    But yeah I used to be a bit like this....keeping crap in my life which of course at the time it didn't seem like crap. I once read a meme that says you sometimes can't let go of crap cos it once was the only thing that made u happy. But yeah, ever since I moved and trying to complete my integration (let's face it, my integration may possibly never be 100%) I've emptied my crap and replaced it with things that are actually helpful. This has turned me into an extremely happy person regardless of the fact I don't have everything I want but I do have all I need for now and that realization makes u sort of understand life...sort of.
    By the way, love what you are doing with your Instagram page.
    Have a great Christmas and here's to many more amazing things in the years to come.

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by and no need for correction you are right and am also referring to emotional crap that people put up with by way of organising them. Sometimes organising doesn't fix the problem it just makes it look better my new way of thinking inspired this post. I also really love your Instagram page its awesome so glad you made it. :-

      You too have a merry xmas and thanks once again.

  2. Hi Ola! I found your blog through Phoenix @ediyemade. I think this is a very assertive post in expressing the need to resolve and get rid of problems instead managing them. Many people think managing problems helps life run smoothly but after reading your post I totally understand why some things just need to be fixed and crossed off the list and some other things may need to be managed. Everything doesn't have to keep a place in your life just because it waltzed in. Waltz it right back out! Lol

    Thanks for the inspiration!


    La Deutsche Diva

  3. Thank you for stopping by anyone that comes from @ediyemade I trust and am so glad you get what I was trying to say as well. I can tell you I organised the hell out of my problems until I connected it to other things and I realised organising problems will not make them go away, meaning just making them look nice for the time being or just tolerating them. Every problem can just waltz back out exactly. Thanks again for stopping by can't wait to check out your blog, am so glad you found mine.

  4. love this !
    it's so true - we often spend so much time finding ways to categorize and store away our problems when we should really be looking into ways to get rid of them completely.
    great tips that i will definitely try and incorporate in the new year!


    1. Am so glad you have gained a new perspective from this as I did, I did this a lot in 2014 and it didn't work well so now I tackle everything whether thats emotionally or physically. Thanks for commenting. x

    2. Ola,

      Please update soon. In the meantime I'm going to have to stalk the past posts to get current lol


      La Deutsche Diva


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